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    • 艾米利亚的孩子HD中字
    艾米利亚的孩子 223播放 HD中字



      When Edward’s search for his birth family takes him and his girlfriend Ryley to a magnificent villa high in the mountains of northern Portugal, he is excited to meet his long-lost mum and twin brother. Finally, he’ll be able to find out who he is and where he comes from. But nothing is as it seems, and Edward soon discovers that he is bound to them by a monstrous secret. First foray into horror by one of the surest assets of Portuguese cinema.
      After the visual delirium of “Diamantino” that won him the Critics’ Week prize at Cannes, Gabriel Abrantes surprises with a more classic horror film around the mystery of family origins, but also following the Portuguese canon of country vs. city. Carloto Cotta in a double performance, Alba Baptista and Anabela Moreira in very challenging roles.


    • 284播放 更新HD 飞行课 玛姬·格蕾斯,加利·艾尔维斯,乔安娜·卡西迪
    • 587播放 HD中字 骨瘦如柴 莉莉·柯林斯,基努·里维斯,卡丽·普雷斯顿,丽贝卡·肯尼迪,阿兰娜·乌巴赫,丽亚娜·莱伯拉托,凯瑟琳·普雷斯科特,莉莉·泰勒,布鲁克·史密斯,瑞塔·希尔丽夫,席亚拉·博拉沃,哈娜·海耶斯,艾利克斯·夏普,玛雅·埃谢特,莱丝莉·比伯
    • 271播放 HD中字 黎明的沙耶 新垣结衣,大泉洋,中村苍,福岛莉拉,鹤野刚士,波乃久里子,藤田弓子,小松政夫,石桥凌,富司纯子
    • 341播放 HD中字 黄色大象 宫崎葵,向井理,滨田龙臣,浅见姬香,本田望结,柄本明,松原智惠子,中川雅也
    • 853播放 更新HD 饮食男女 郎雄,杨贵媚,吴倩莲,王渝文,张艾嘉,归亚蕾,赵文瑄,陈昭荣,陈捷文,卢金城,唐语谦,洪其德,王瑞,杜满生,王玨,陈妤,左正芬,许敬民,聂卓晶,丁仲
    • 773播放 更新HD 黑道风云 Ivano Marescotti,Libero De Rienzo,Valentina Lodovini
    • 311播放 更新HD 灭绝:基因改造编年史 Daniel Buder,海勒姆·凯勒,路易丝·巴哈尔
    • 61播放 HD 江边旅馆 奇周峯,金敏喜,宋宣美,权海骁,刘俊相
    • 892播放 更新HD 对门儿 李梦男,希临,闫妮
    • 816播放 HD中字 春梦 梁益准,尹钟彬,朴庭凡,韩艺璃,申敏儿,柳演锡,金义城,金太勋,赵达焕,李珠英
    • 980播放 TC抢先版 草木人间 吴磊,蒋勤勤,陈建斌,王佳佳,闫楠,吴彼,王宏伟,钱坤,鞠帛展,梁龙,五百,孙强,王川,马大智,吕星辰,陈禹同,陈佳宁,吴金鑫,杨棽,张楚文
    • 639播放 更新HD 酷刑阴谋 托马斯·米连,艾德丽安·拉鲁萨,乔治·威尔森,Mavie Bardanzellu,Antonio Casagrande,Ignazio Spalla,Max Steffen Zacharias,雷蒙·佩尔格兰,马西莫·萨尔基耶利,Mirko Ellis,John Bartha,Calogero Micciche',Gustavo D'Arpe,翁贝托·多尔西,Alfio Petrini,Maciej Rayzacher,斯特法诺·奥佩迪萨诺,吉安卡洛·巴德西,埃内斯托·


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